Getting To Know You
You’re an individual with your own unique priorities, concerns, dreams and aspirations. Getting to know these and getting to know you is a really important part of our job. It’s also the best way for us to be able to help you achieve your goals in a way that works for you. So, why not tell us a bit more about the kind of help you’re looking for?

Your Financial Planning Journey
In a fast-changing and often uncertain world, financial security is priceless. Through financial planning, we can help you gain clarity over your current financial picture, create a vision for your future and design targeted, tailored planning to help you get there.

Your Financial Advice Needs
Good financial planning and advice should continue throughout your lifetime, and it’s our job to be there for you every step of the way.
Our full financial planning service covers a range of areas, such as managing tax, protecting your assets, planning for your retirement, and passing on your wealth.
Plan For Success
We take a structured, five-step approach to financial planning, that is individually tailored to your current circumstances and aspirations for the future.
Our planning is designed to give you the confidence and peace of mind that you’re making the most of financial opportunities available to you. Our aim is to plan for you to live the life you want, while also being flexible enough to keep pace with any changes you might face.

Our Investment Philosophy
We understand that you have your own dreams and aspirations when it comes to investing your money. That’s why we offer a wide range of investment solutions tailored to your individual objectives, timeframe and risk profile.
We are proud to offer independent financial advice, and our investment matrix reflects this. All the investment solutions we recommend are suggested based on understanding your personal investment goals. In the eventuality that we identify you have a need not satisfied by our matrix solution we will review the whole of the market as we will only ever recommend what is appropriate for you.
Cashflow Modelling
Cashflow modelling is a forecasting tool that provides an estimated projection of future assets and investments and is available for Wealth Planners to use as part of your financial planning process. It’s a way of visualising how different choices and scenarios could affect your future financial position.
It can help you easily see how prepared you are for major life events, and show you the potential long-term impact of changes or decisions you might make today.

Your First Meeting
Our first meeting is a chance for us both to get to know each other a little better and talk about your financial ambitions and for you to decide if we’re the right fit for helping you achieve them.

Our Fees
Our job is to help you feel more confident about your financial position and ambitions, so we believe in taking a straightforward and transparent approach to our fees.
If you choose to work with us, we’ll clearly explain how much our fees are, and what they cover at every stage of our relationship.