Model Portfolio Solutions
Our Model Portfolio Solutions are an excellent way of accessing a truly diversified investment strategy tailored to the assumptions that underpin your financial plan.
They have been designed specifically to make it easier for you to support your investment objectives, taking into consideration your risk profile and investment goals with reference to your cashflow modelling. Each model portfolio has been designed and is managed to provide specific investment outcomes aligned to our Investment Matrix expectations, utilising different investment philosophies to offer solutions for many client requirements.
Each model portfolio is built to promote consistency of outcome with a focus on investment performance, volatility and downside risk.
Our model portfolio solutions are monitored and rebalanced regularly with the aim of making sure that the underlying holdings keep your portfolio in line with your risk level and on track to provide the returns within the parameters set by our sister subsidiary, Succession Advisory Service, and remain aligned to the level of risk you are willing to take on an ongoing basis.
We will recommend the right model portfolio for you and provide ongoing support by watching over your portfolio, and we will be on hand to help if your circumstances change, or you have any questions.
Our model portfolios are an incredible way to help you work towards achieving your financial aspirations. With a model portfolio, you receive:
Targeted and monitored performance in line with your risk profile and investment needs
Timely action, efficiency and effectiveness through the managed approach
Expertise from professional and proven investment teams and processes, from trusted and long-standing investment specialists
Ongoing oversight by the Succession Matrix Oversight Forum, Succession Wealth Investment Committee and the Succession Model Portfolio Joint Relationship Board, all comprised of both internal and external investment professionals
Consistency as the model portfolio’s approach does not change when the markets do